Tuesday, March 6, 2012

What Is The Maze?

MAZE is an experience that escapes the boundaries of any single definition. In stark contrast to the typical "magic show," MAZE presents a unique blend of illusion, intuition, psychology, humor, mystery, and danger. Whether the team of mystery artists are catching bullets in their teeth, pulling a swallowed string out of their abdomen, or predicting a spectator’s random choice of a number from a phonebook, they leave every attendee entertained, bewildered, disturbed, and inadvertently pondering the question "How can I know what is really true? " MAZE exists to make waves in the ocean of the widely accepted, rarely challenged, cultural definition of truth. MAZE has been designed to evoke emotion, provoke dialogue regarding what you believe to be true, and to question the truths that exist in present day culture. (WhatIsTheMaze.com)

For several years, the Research & Development team (which CruPress is a part of) has been responsible for sending a variety of evangelistic speakers and entertainers to college campuses nationwide through a program called “The Speakers Forum.” (Neil helped coach these speakers last spring in Indiana.)  One of the most dynamic and impactful is Jim Munroe, whose show is called “Maze.”  Jim has performed for thousand of students in all 50 states. He has used his unique story and exceptional talent to challenge students’ view of life.  As a result, Maze has become one of the most popular and successful events Cru has sponsored in years.  But, believe it or not, in spite of its popularity and our involvement, the Downeys had never seen Maze in person.

That changed last month, when Maze came to South Dakota. What an amazing event!  Jim’s magnetic personality and phenomenal talent forced students to pay attention, keeping them on the edge of their seats. And his powerful story, woven throughout the performance, made for what was perhaps the most compelling gospel message we have ever heard.

And the students seemed to agree. Between SDSU and USD, over 1700 people attended MAZE, with 320 indicated decisions to trust Christ.

By providing assistance in the areas of finances, marketing, logistics, communication, and evangelistic training, our team is privileged to play a small role in Maze and other ministries involved in The Speakers Forum.  What a joy to be a part of what God is doing.  He is truly transforming lives for eternity!


·       For the successful partnership between Cru and Maze
·       For hundreds of indicated salvation decisions at Maze

Please Pray

·       For the spiritual growth of new believers on local campuses
·       For Jim’s stamina and continued fruitfulness
·       For our family’s health (we’ve been battling illness for weeks)

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