Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Harvest

He said to them, “The harvest is bigger than you can imagine, but there are few workers. Therefore plead with the Lord of the harvest to send out workers for his harvest.” Luke 10:2
When it comes to the harvest that Jesus describes, I’m often reminded of the enormity of our task. Millions of people who don’t know Christ are just waiting to hear the good news and are ripe for the gospel. But it takes many faithful workers for a successful harvest.

This is why our role with CruPress is so vital. We, in a sense, are working in the tool shed: training and equipping thousands of harvest workers with the knowledge, skills, and tools they need to work the fields. Here is a prime example:

Our friend John Glasser leads First Priority, a ministry in local high schools, and is using Cru training and resources to reach many different contextualized student groups, including Somali girls, Guatemalan boys, Muslim soccer players, and Nepali musicians.  These are all unique “fields,” each requiring different equipment, techniques, and timing for the harvest.  It’s been a privilege to help John, his staff, and volunteers effectively work in the fields by providing them with a variety of evangelism tools and by training them how and when to use each tool.  As a result, students that seemed far from Christ are coming to know him in a personal, powerful way.

A unique harvest field at Lincoln High School


·       For a growing, fruitful partnership with First Priority
·       For the excitement of staff & students to use innovative new Cru resources

Please Pray

·       For an abundant harvest of souls on campus
·       For the spiritual growth of new believers
·       For students to embrace, experience & extend the gospel
·       For our family’s spiritual, emotional & physical health

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