Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Changing Methods

Methods are many. Principles are few.  Methods always change. Principles never do.
When Warren Wiersbe penned this proverb, he probably wasn’t thinking about updating websites. However, this nugget of wisdom explains the heart behind what we are currently doing at CruPress to impact the ministry of Cru around the world.

For years, we functioned as a small ministry publishing house, spending the bulk of our time writing, printing, and distributing books, magazines, pamphlets, and other paper-based tools for evangelism and discipleship. Today, while our principles, values, and goals remain the same, our methods have changed.

We now invest much of our energy, time, and finances on CruPressGreen.com.  This website has become our main method of “equipping the saints” (Eph. 4:12) by providing Cru staff and students with relevant and useful digital ministry tools, like PDFs, blogs, videos, podcasts, and apps.

Even though it has existed for less than two years, CruPress Green needs an overhaul to be a more effective in reaching this generation. So for the last couple of months, we have been working on some major improvements to the site, including making it work well on Smartphones. By summer, CruPress Green will be more efficient, more intuitive, and more useful for anyone wanting to help fulfill the Great Commission.

There are times when the process of working on all these details becomes exhausting and overwhelming. But we know that this is an important task that will soon impact thousands – perhaps millions – of lives, which makes it all worthwhile.


·       For the progress we’ve made on the website
·       For the potential to impact thousands of lives with the gospel

Please Pray

·       For wisdom in designing & developing the site
·       For the time, energy, vision, and funds to finish the project
·       That our ministry tasks would not distract us from devotion to our first love

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