Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Lights, Camera, Action

We recently got rid of cable television in our house.  And, honestly, we don’t miss it.  The main reason is that, besides being too busy to watch much TV, almost everything that we want to watch is now available online.  There’s no doubt about it: online video is booming, dramatically changing the way people consume information and entertainment. Here are some surprising facts:

  • 48 hours of video content is being uploaded to YouTube every minute.
  • Today, over half of all Internet traffic is video.
  • Within three years, video will account for over 90 percent of Internet traffic.
  • College students spend 11 hrs/day engaged with some type of media (mostly video).

Armed with this knowledge, a quick scan of (our ministry resource website) led us at Cru Press to this profound conclusion: WE NEED MORE VIDEOS!

That being the case, we took action.  Last week we invited some of the best communicators in Cru to our headquarters in Orlando to shoot a series of training videos. With topics ranging from “How to Discern God’s Will” to “How to Start a New Ministry on Campus,” we managed to film over 75 separate videos.  Simply put, it was a productive (and exhausting) week!

 Cru Associate National Director Bob Fuhs explains a key ministry concept.

Once these videos are edited and posted on our website this summer, they will more than triple our video content.  It is our prayer that these new videos will teach, train, and equip thousands of Cru students and staff – as well as churches and parachurches – across the country and around the world.


·       For the great quality & quantity of our new videos
·       For the potential to equip thousands of people for ministry

Please Pray

·       For Barry & JP, the staff guys editing the videos
·       For the new material to bless both believers and not-yet believers
·       For our family to finish the school year well
·       For consistent time with God

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