Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Lessons From a Feline

                Man’s chief end is to glorify God and enjoy him forever. Westminster Catechism

We buried our cat this morning. Charlie was hit by a car last night, two blocks from home. It’s been a sad day in the Downey house.

We knew this day would come eventually.  Three years of roaming the neighborhood every night finally caught up with him.  When he was young, we tried to restrain him and deny his attempts to be outside on the prowl. But Charlie was relentless and refused to remain indoors. He quickly settled into a routine of hunting outside all night and lounging around inside all day.  And, in spite of being de-clawed, he kept the population of vermin at a minimum, and intimidated every four-legged mammal east of Cliff Avenue.

Charlie turned me into a cat person. Because, as soft and cuddly as he was around our family, he spent most of his time doing what God created him to do. He was no ordinary house cat, but a stealthy, nocturnal hunter. He died doing what he was made for: roaming the horizon, looking for adventure.

Charlie’s life and death bring up an important question: Are most people doing what they were created to do?

The Bible says that we were ultimately put on this planet to glorify God.

So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16

It’s clear that the majority of the population is living for a different purpose. All around us, there is evidence of self-glorification, self-absorption, and self-worship. Because of our fallen condition, we don’t naturally glorify God. We must first receive a new nature.

In a strange way, our cat emphasized the importance of our role with Cru. Proclaiming the gospel around the world (in word and in deed) awakens people to their true meaning and purpose in life.  Our job is simple: asking people to change their reason for existence.  Thanks for the reminder, Charlie.


  • For God providing our family with a great pet
  • For a reminder of why we’re on this planet
  • For a renewed sense of calling to our ministry with Cru

Please Pray

  • That we would faithfully proclaim the gospel
  • That students would be convicted to change their reason for living
  • That YOU, as a follower of Christ, would look for opportunities to glorify God
  • For our kids (they’re really sad about losing Charlie)

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