Thursday, September 20, 2012

Equipping the Saints

He gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelists, and some as pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of service, to the building up of the body of Christ. Ephesians 4:11-12

One of our priorities at CruPress is to expand our scope. Beyond providing biblical teaching and training for Cru’s national Campus Ministry, we want to make our articles, bible studies, videos, blog entries, and other materials available to churches and individuals around the world. We aren’t motivated by fame or fortune, but simply by the desire to “equip the saints” to make an eternal difference in the world, helping Christians to know God and make him known.

By making all of our resources available online over the last two years, we have impacted thousands of lives in dozens of countries. Here are some examples from last week that we’re excited about:

Training in relational evangelismThe latest issue of Becoming magazine features several precepts from our CoJourners video series called c456, teaching their readers eight key principles for having spiritual conversations. (To see for yourself, go to

Helping new believers growThe Table, a church in Kearney, Nebraska, is using two of our devotional books (Four Sevens and Thirsty) with new attendees, teaching them how to read the Bible and understand the role of the Holy Spirit. ( Visit the church website to find out more about this dynamic, growing church.)

Launching new ministries – In an effort to develop and expand Cru ministries in the former Soviet bloc, we’ve been asked to provide a template for a Russian/Eastern European version of Cru Press Green.  Are we excited to equip the saints in former Iron Curtain countries? Da!

  • For churches like The Table using our discipleship material to help new Christians grow
  • For other ministries teaching people how to do evangelism with their friends and family
  • For the potential to change lives in Russia and Eastern Europe

Please Pray

  • That more churches would access our free evangelism & discipleship resources
  • That thousands of people would come to faith in Christ
  • That our family would love God and each other well




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