Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Gospel In Action

Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke, to set the oppressed free and break every yoke? Is it not to share your food with the hungry and to provide the poor wanderer with shelter —
when you see the naked, to clothe them, and not to turn away from your own flesh and blood? Isaiah 58: 6-7

For years, leaders in our ministry have been wrestling with some important questions: In this broken world, what is the best way to meet people’s physical needs like scripture demands? How do we obey the Great Commandment (to tangibly love others) without neglecting the Great Commission (to make disciples)? What is the proper relationship between proclaiming the Good News and performing Good Deeds?

The result of these discussions is an initiative called The Gospel in Action (GIA). Essentially, Cru encourages and equips local movements to help meet local, national, or international humanitarian needs in a way that provides tangible help and glorifies God in the midst of terrible suffering.  The Lord is using staff and students to do incredibly impactful deeds, including disaster relief, orphan care, and numerous other causes. One of the most promising developments has been Cru partnering with organizations like the International Justice Mission and the Aruna Project, both of whom do great work to stop human trafficking. Through GIA, local Cru movements are changing lives around the corner and across the globe.

The Aruna 5K: one of our GIA partnerships with huge potential results

Because of our role with Cru Press, we are part of a group tasked with communicating Gospel In Action vision, principles, strategy, and tactics to Cru movements on campuses nationwide. What a privilege to help staff and students display, demonstrate, and declare the Gospel to a world that desperately needs it! This task is a significant portion of our summer assignment, which we’ll tell you more about in the coming months.  We are so grateful for your prayer and financial support, which allows us to play a part in this important Kingdom work: to share Jesus’ love with “the least of these.” (Matthew 25:40)


·       For the chance to be involved in the Gospel in Action initiative
·       For the thousands of lives already impacted by the good deeds of Cru staff and students

Please Pray

·       For safety as we travel to GIA meetings in Colorado (July 9-13)
·       For the Spirit to guide us as we work
·       For God to shape us during our involvement in this project
·       For “the least of these” to know God’s love through the GIA